Por: annaevers
Hi Noa! Did you read the tut in English? You can read the tut in English and Spanish. Just select the button at the right.You will need a big scarf for this DIY. You have to make 2 pieces (same size...
View ArticlePor: noa
hi hi…yea, i read it in english…if i read it in spanish, i will understand even less… 😉 i just have a comprehension problem…and i guess the photos are just a bit unclear….i am so lost after step 2...
View ArticlePor: annaevers
Hi again Noa!, no problem! let’s see if I can help you out with your doubt 😉 Yes, you fold the scarf in to a rectangle (and separate them in to two equal pieces, one in top of the other) then cut out...
View ArticlePor: elle
I am just wondering how you decide on the length of the shorts and on the size of the paper/u shape thanks i love these, very keen to try them!
View ArticlePor: annaevers
Hi Elle! You have to make the same size U for everybody. (A4 paper size) and the length depends on you. Try to make it a bit longer that wat you want and then you can always cut a bit off. 😉
View ArticlePor: La Piperia de New York
¡Me ha encantado! Yo he hecho uno similar, pero no conseguía que se me quedara bien la costura, con tu técnica de la U, seguro que funciona, ¡mil gracias!
View ArticlePor: annaevers
Hola Ana, si te fijas bien en las fotos veras como hacerlo, en las puntas de la “U” son las que te quedan en el medio de tu ombligo y espalda. Espero te ayude 😉
View ArticlePor: Ana
Muuuchas gracias!! si, lo fui haciendo con un papel y entendi perfecto!! es hermoso, solo que redondee las puntas y le puse puntilla!!! que lindas cosas, postea mas!!! desde argentina me sirve mucho...
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